Detail Book
I am Eri :My Experience Overseas
Category :
Author :
Thanadda Sawangduean
Language :
Thai, English
Rights :
China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, English, Thai
Publisher :
Type :
Pages :
304 pages
Dimensions :
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier :
synopsis :
Freshly deported to Thailand, Thanadda spent 20 days penning her first manuscript, longhand. Those pages snatched the prestigious Chommanard Book Prize. Three decades earlier, the teenage Thanadda was still nursing her newborn when she was lured into prostitution. Shipped off to Asia’s most notorious red-light districts, she found herself ensnared in sex, drugs, nightlife, and organised crime. Her account would beggar belief if not for its unflinching candidness. Definitely a voice worth listening to.